Teapot in comics
Teapots have also illustrated the covers of a wide number of comics and continue nowadays to be an extremely common and funny topic for cartoons and comics. In the two covers the kettle and the teapot are respectively the protagonists of ''Kettle'' and ''Micky Maus'' .
In Ferretes and lemmings, the protagonist is pouring imaginary tea everywhere and the teapot got angry at such situation.
In Asra comics, the boy tried to play some magic with the teapot and this turned into a disaster before the intervention of his father.
In Pickles, even if the teapot is not physically present, the grandson said that his song was''I'm little teapot'', the well-known children's rhyme
In The white Ninja, there is a kind of analogy between the ordinary teapot and the magic lamp of Aladdin.
link1:The cover 1
link2:The cover 2link3:Bobthedalek comics
link4:Ferrets vs Lemmings
link5:Asra and teapot picture
link7:The white Ninja and the teapot